/* Retranslation of /step/hegarty/localization/pr2/softrans.10o.tinman/Softrans_temp/NeXT_Update/./NextAdmin/BuildDisk.app/Swedish.lproj/Localizable.strings from Hyper1G to Hyper1N. */
/* What to say if the basic bom file isnt found. */
"The file %s must exist in order for BuildDisk to operate." = "Filen %s måste finnas om BuildDisk ska kunna fungera.";
/* Attention panel title */
"No Bill of Materials" = "Ingen materialförteckning";
/* This is the title of the attention panel that appears when no buildable disks can be found */
"No Disks" = "Inga diskar";
"No disks that you can build are attached to this computer." = "Det finns inga byggbara diskar anslutna till datorn.";
/* Printf format string for package names and sizes. First argument is title. Second is floating size in megabytes */
"%s (%.1f MB)" = "%s (%.1f MB )";
/* Format string for disk information. First arg is disk type. Second is size in MB. Third is label. */
"%s, %d MB" = "%s, %d MB";
/* Format string for disk information with decimal places. First arg is disk type. Second is size in MB. Third is label. */
"%s, %.1f MB" = "%s, %.1f MB";
/* Format string for right-hand label of disk space meter. Arg is disk or partition size in MB. */
"%d MB" = "%d MB ";
/* Format string for right-hand label of disk space meter for small capacity disks. Arg is disk or partition size in MB. */
"%.1f MB" = "%.1f MB";
/* Attention panel title */
"Build Complete" = "Uppbyggnad klar";
/* Status message for good build completion also used in attn panel. */
"The disk was built successfully." = "Uppbyggnad lyckades";
/* Status message */
"Build FAILED!" = "Uppbyggnad MISSLYCKADES!";
"Really build this disk? Building will erase the disk's current contents." = "Vill du verkligen bygga disken? Byggs den raderas diskens nuvarande innehåll.";
/* Attention panel title for app without setuid bit. */
"Cannot Run" = "Kan inte köras";
"BuildDisk is not set up correctly. The setuid bit must be turned on and the application owned by root. Contact your system administrator." = "BuildDisk inte korrekt installerat. Setuid-biten måste vara påslagen och programmet ägas av root. Kontakta systemadministratören.";
"You must have superuser status to build disks.\nPlease enter the root password." = "Du måste ha superuser-status för att bygga diskar.\nSkriv in lösenordet för root.";
"Sorry, the password you entered is not correct." = "Du skrev in fel lösenord.";
"The selected disk is busy and can't be unmounted." = "Den valda disken är upptagen och kan inte matas ut.";
"The disk couldn't be ejected." = "Disken kunde inte matas ut.";
"That floppy disk is write-protected. You'll need to flip the write-protect tab and insert it again." = "Disketten är skrivskyddad. Ställ om skrivskyddslåset och mata in den igen.";
/* Title for alert panel that reports that a low-density floppy was inserted */
"Wrong Density" = "Fel densitet";
"This is a low-density floppy disk. Only 2.88MB floppy disks can be used with BuildDisk." = "Detta är en lågdensitetsdiskett. Du kan bara använda disketter på 2,88 MB tillsammans med BuildDisk.";
/* Modified files status message */
"The item was removed." = "Objektet togs bort";
/* Modified files status message */
"The file's contents were modified." = "Filinnehållet ändrades.";
/* Modified files status message */
"The file's permissions were modified." = "Filens åtkomsträttigheter ändrades";
/* Modified files status message which should never appear */
"Random Bozo change." = "\"Random Bozo change\"";
/* Label for floppy in disk selection box when there is at most one internal floppy */
"Int. Floppy" = "Int.diskett";
/* Label for multiple internal floppies in printf format */
"Int. FD #%d" = "Int.diskett nr %d";
/* Label for single external floppy */
"Ext. Floppy" = "Ext.diskett";
/* Label for multiple external floppies in printf format */
"Ext. FD #%d" = "Ext.diskett nr %d";
/* Label for startup disk */
"Startup Disk" = "Startdisk";
/* Label for single SCSI hard disk */
"Hard Disk" = "Hårddisk";
/* Label for multiple SCSI hard disks in printf format */
"Hard Disk #%d" = "Hårddisk nr %d";
/* Label for single removable SCSI hard disk */
"Hard Disk" = "Hårddisk";
/* Label for multiple SCSI hard disks in printf format */
"Hard Disk #%d" = "Hårddisk nr %d";
/* Label for single optical disk */
"Optical Disk" = "Optisk disk";
/* Label for multiple optical disks in printf format */
"Optical #%d" = "Opt. disk nr %d";
"A disk is being built. Do you really want to quit?" = "Diskupbyggnad pågår. Vill du avsluta ändå?";
/* Second info line of long form. */
"Device name %s" = "Enhetsnamn %s";
/* Second info line of long form for SCSI devices. */
"Device name %s, target #%d" = "Enhetsnamn %s, destination %d";
/* Default name of disks. Same name for all media. */
"NewDisk" = "NyDisk";
/* Disk type string for internal floppies */
"Internal Floppy" = "Intern diskett";
/* Disk type string for opticals */
"NeXT Optical Disk" = "NeXT optisk disk";
"Do you really want to stop building the disk?" = "Vill du verkligen avsluta uppbyggnaden av disken?";
/* Panel title */
"Name Too Long" = "För långt namn";
"The name of a disk may only contain %d characters." = "Ett disknamn får innehålla högst %d tecken.";
/* Panel title */
"Inappropriate Name" = "Olämpligt namn";
"The name of a disk may not contain the following characters: %s Please choose a different name." = "Namnet på en disk får inte innehålla något av följande tecken: %s. Välj ett annat namn.";
/* Label for slide meter. */
"Disk Space Required: %d MB" = "Nödvändigt diskutrymme: %d MB";
/* Label for slide meter for small disks. */
"Disk space required: %.1f MB" = "Nödvändigt diskutrymme: %.1f MB";
/* Label for slide meter when no disk selected. */
"Another program has control of the SCSI bus. Hard disks, SCSI floppy disks, and other SCSI devices can't be built." = "Ett annat program styr SCSI-bussen. Du kan inte bygga hårddiskar, SCSI-disketter eller andra SCSI-enheter.";
/* Time of completion estimate */
"Finished in about %d hours and %d minutes." = "Klar om ca %d timmar och %d minuter.";
/* Time of completion estimate when only one hour */
"Finished in about an hour and %d minutes." = "Klar om ca en timme och %d minuter.";
/* Time of completion estimate when less than an hour */
"Finished in about %d more minutes." = "Klar om ca %d minuter.";
/* Sent from builder thread out to UI */
"Cannot open the device file for the disk. Build aborted." = "Kan inte öppna enhetsfilen för disken. Uppbyggnaden avbröts.";
"SCSI inquiry on device does not match probe. The mapping from SCSI devices to device files is incorrect. Build aborted." = "SCSI-sökning på enheten matchar inte probe. Fel avbildning av SCSI-enheter till enhetsfiler. Uppbyggnaden avbröts.";
/* Must fit in both regular and mini status areas */
"Stopping build..." = "Avbryter uppbyggnaden...";
/* Must fit in both regular and mini status areas */
"Build stopped." = "Uppbyggnaden avbruten.";
/* Pie Chart size in partition panel. */
"%d MB" = "%d MB ";
/* Do you really want to partition panel title. */
"Partition Disk" = "Partitionerad disk";
"NeXT recommends that disks not be partitioned unless you have a specific reason to do so. Are you sure you want to partition this disk?" = "NeXT rekommenderar att du inte partitionerar diskar om du inte har speciell anledning att göra det. Vill du verkligen partitionera disken?";
/* Checking boot disk against BOMs to detect potential problems. */
"Comparing bills of materials with contents\nof startup device..." = "Jämför materialförteckningarna med innehållet\ni startenheten...";
/* Checking boot disk against BOMs to detect potential problems. */
"Checking bills of materials..." = "Kontrollerar materialförteckningarna...";
"The bill of materials \"%s\" couldn't be opened. Build aborted." = "Materialförteckningen \"%s\" kunde inte öppnas. Uppbyggnaden avbröts.";
"The bill of materials \"%s\" couldn't be compared against the contents of the startup disk. Build aborted." = "Materialförteckningen \"%s\" kunde inte jämföras med innehållet på startdisken. Uppbyggnaden avbröts.";
/* Package title in modified files window for base system files. */
"Base System Software" = "Grundläggande systemprogram";
"Installing base system software" = "Installerar grundläggande systemprogram";
"Couldn't install package %s." = "Kunde inte installera paketet %s.";
/* Status message for installing packages */
"Installing: %s" = "Installerar: %s";
"Elapsed time: %d h %d m" = "Förfluten tid: %d t %d m";
/* Time remaining message before its known */
"Estimated completion time not yet known." = "Kan f n inte uppskatta tid för slutförande.";
/* This text is installed at the beginning of the fstab file thats generated for the newly built disk. */
"#\n# DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE, IT IS REQUIRED FOR BOOTING\n#\n# This file contains information used to mount local hard disks.\n# Consult your Network and System Administration manual\n# for information on adding local disks. Information on the format\n# of entries in this file can also be found in the fstab man page.\n#" = "#\n# RADERA INTE FILEN, DEN BEHÖVS FÖR SYSTEMSTART\n#\n# Denna fil innehåller installationsinformation för lokala hårddiskar.\n# Handböckerna till nätverket och systemadministrationen innehåller\n# mer information om hur du lägger till lokala diskar. Information om dataformatet\n# i filen finns också på en handbokssida i \"fstab\"-filen.\n#";
"Couldn't install /etc/fstab file on the new disk." = "Kunde inte installera /etc/fstab-filen på den nya disken.";
"Creating swap file..." = "Skapar en swapfil...";
/* Unreproducible bonus bug */
"An internal error has occurred, and the build procedure cannot continue. You should quit and restart BuildDisk, then try to build the disk again." = "Det har uppstått ett internt fel. Uppbyggnaden kan inte fortsätta. Avsluta och starta om BuildDisk. Försök sedan att bygga disken igen.";
/* Title for attention panel and buttons */
"Build" = "Bygg";
"Cancel" = "Avbryt";
"Stop" = "Stopp";
"Quit" = "Avsluta";
"Build Anyway" = "Bygg ändå";
/* Warning about building the disk as a swapdisk when its big enough to be a normal disk */
"Since you've named this disk \"swapdisk\", it will be initialized as a swap disk and no software will be installed." = "Eftersom du kallade disken \"swapdisk\" kommer den att formateras som en swapdisk. Ingen programvara installeras.";
/* Warning about building the disk as a swapdisk when its too small for anything else */
"This disk isn't big enough for software to be installed. It will be initialized as a swap disk." = "Den här disken är inte tillräckligt stor för att kunna rymma programvaran. Den kommer att formateras som en swapdisk.";
/* Warning about quitting from 486 installation mode. */
"NeXTSTEP has not been installed yet. If you quit now, you will have to repeat the installation procedure." = "OPENSTEP har inte installerats ännu. Om du avslutar nu måste du göra om installationen från början.";
/* Button title */
"Quit Anyway"= "Avluta ändå";
/* Button title for 486 installation which must match initial value in nib file */
"Install" = "Installera";
/* Appears in list of packages in installation mode */
"NeXTSTEP Essentials (%.1f MB - Required)" = "Grundläggande delar i OPENSTEP (%.1f Mb - krävs)";
/* Appears in list of packages in installation mode */
" Basic Software" = " Grundprogramvara";
/* Appears in list of packages in installation mode */
" Languages" = " Språk";
/* Appears in list of packages in installation mode */
" Other Packages" = " Andra paket";
/* Title of panel that appears after successful installation */
"Install" = "Installera";
/* Appears in an attention panel NOTE this was updated for 3.2 to ask user to eject disk */
"NeXTSTEP has been successfully installed. Click Restart to restart the computer." = "OPENSTEP har installerats. Kontrollera att det inte finns någon diskett i disketteheten. Starta om datorn genom att klicka på Starta om.";